Friday 24 March 2023

Warcry, Finally

 So I've had the Warcry starter set for some time now, and finally started giving it a try. 

I have to say it's pretty fun. I like the idea of being able to use all the random Age of Sigmar minis I've collected over time, and having some small painting projects is a nice break from army building.

Played a simple battle today Kruleboys vs Gitz. Objective was to have as many models on the higher parts of the terrain as possible. We're definitely still learning how to use the models and their abilities. 

Built Some Terrain

Was laid up from surgery for a bit and had some time on my hands. Rather than paint up a bunch of minis I figure my time might be better spent on one of the things I've really put off, terrain. 

Nothing to exciting, I really wanted to capture the look of the terrain from the Warhammer 4th and 5th ed battle reports I used to look at.