Sunday, 7 May 2023

Against the Vampire Counts

 Got a game in locally against Sean and his Vampire Counts. I was playing the 2200 point Skaven list I had taken to the tournament, and Sean brought a Blood Dragons led force. 

I thought it would be fun to use a flank attack scenario Danny had written for the tournament. Players could place a core unit in reserve to come in on the flank on a later turn, much like Dwarf miners. I decided to put one unit of clanrats in reserve... this it turned out, was a bad idea

Deployment, or where it all started to go wrong. Sean piled his army pretty tight to his general, while I set up screening units ahead of my line. He's got some dire wolves and ghouls on the right you can't see. 
Early on I tried to use my slave units to tie up and deflect his cavalry, and they did this fairly well. You can see my gutter runners taking down his dire wolves and some fresh zombie tarpitting my tarpit rat swarms. Way over by the pond the Jezzail teams do very little. I've really underestimated how disrupting the ability to raise undead units can be, they can pop up right beside you and ruin your ability to maneuver .
Pretty well the end for me, the bell and it's unit are tied up with the grave guards, my second clanrat unit is about to be charged from all sides. My reserve unit shows up but is effectively out of the game for me. The Jezzails have broke and fled. 

All in all a fun game, learned some things about facing the Undead. 

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